24 July, 2007

Digitized Civil Law Materials

These are three collections of digitized legal and civil law original resources available on the web.

The Junta de Andalucia ,through their Cultural Chamber, has a virtual library (biblioteca virtual not the librería virtual, which is the virtual bookstore) with a collection of digitized original legal materials going back to the XVI cent.

The Universidad de Sevilla through their main library has a collection of digitized original materials which contains a several legal and civil law sources.

Finally, the Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Sevilla has the PixeLegis project which is dedicated to digitizing legal and civil law materials from the XIX cent.

These three different projects for digitized materials make access to original resources easier for the researcher. Enjoy your search!

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09 July, 2007

Lois Françaises en Anglais

Here's a great resource for French law in English. French-Law Net, http://french-law.net/, is edited by Nicolas Jondet, a lawyer and Ph.D. candidate in copyright law at the University of Edinburgh School of Law. This blog "provides news updates in English on recent developments in French Law, focusing on Intellectual Property, Technology and Medical Law."

With thanks to Mary Whisner, the official goddess of Reference, who tipped me off to this great resource. Check out her blogs at: http://www.blogger.com/profile/06780343632178750011

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