24 March, 2009

Videos of Civil Law Workshop Series

The Paul M. Hebert Law Center Civil Law Workshop Series successfully held its two first sessions during the Spring of 2009. The general topic of the Series is Civil Law and Common Law: Cross-Influences, Contamination and Permeability. These first two sessions, Towards a Revival of the Case Method in Civil Law Education and The Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) between Civil and Common Law - Best of all Worlds?, are now available on video on the web. Click on the name of the session you wish to see and you will be directed to it.

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18 March, 2009

Third Session of the CCLS Civil Law Workshop

The Center of Civil Law Studies at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center presents the third session of the 2009 Civil Law Workshop series: “Civil law and Common Law: Cross-Influences, Contamination, and Permeability.” Professor Sheldon Leader, University of Essex and Distinguished Global Visitor to the LSU Law Center will speak on "Legal Theory and the Variety of Legal Cultures: The Example of Dworkin" This Session will take place on Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 between 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the LSU Law Center's Tucker Room. Don't miss it.

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